Mixed media video sculpture, 2019, 60”x224"x14”

Unstable Bond III is a set of 6 boxes with micro-sculptures that explores the relationship between magnets and a collection of tiny pieces of obsolete fixtures from the officescape such as staples, outdated digital pins, etc. In each of these cubes there is a hole with a magnifying lens through which a micro-sculpture can be observed. At their nucleus, a magnetic field is employed to create resisting physical forces that define the unseen space between the objects.


Each object in an unstable state is likely to change without warning or to shift position in unexpected ways. Instability naturally generates tension through opposing forces. Gravity and magnetism (the force of attraction produced by electric currents or magnetic materials upon steel) pull together all tangible matter. The invisible force surrounds and affects all elements.


Unstable bond III - 01(detail), wood, glass lens, lights, magnet, staples, fishing line
Unstable bond III - 02(detail), wood, glass lens, lights, magnet, transistors, fishing line
Unstable bond III - 03(detail), wood, glass lens, lights, magnet, miniature furniture, fishing line
Unstable bond III - 04(detail), wood, glass lens, lights, magnet, watch parts, fishing line
Unstable bond III - 05(detail), wood, glass lens, lights, magnet, USB parts, fishing line
Unstable bond III - 06(detail), wood, glass lens, lights, magnets, fishing line